The work and ministry of SermonIndex can be encapsulated in this one word: Revival. Concepts such as Holiness, Purity, Christ-Likeness, Self-Denial and Discipleship are hardly the goal of much modern preaching. Thus the main thrust of the speakers and articles on the website encourage us towards a reviving of these missing elements of Christianity
The call in our day is for those who will love Jesus as a coming Bridegroom.

Open Platform For Gospel Materials – Tracts | Gospel Books | Publication | Revival
You dont believe in Hell Either! A Clip from the Message “Hell Has No Exit” Preached by Leonard Ravenhill

Zac Poonen, a former Indian Naval Officer, has been serving the Lord in India for over 50 years as a Bible-teacher. He has responsibility for a number of churches in India and abroad. His sermons, books, articles and bible studies are available free of charge online at cfcindia.com. This podcast series features his recent sermons and messages.

Through the Bible with Zac Poonen brings out the distinctive message of each book of the Bible. This bible study will help you understand the bible in a deeper way.

Classic sermons from John Piper to help you see Christ clearly and treasure him truly. Five days a week, 20 minutes per episode. Hosted by Dan Cruver.
Where do we find hope in our ongoing struggle with sin? In this episode of Light + Truth, John Piper opens Romans 7:14–25 to explore the hope of future redemption.

Messages from the Teaching Team at Desiring God.
Brothers, if we are going to do good — lasting good — to our churches, then we must preach and lead and counsel and serve in the strength that God supplies.

John Piper answering tough theological and pastoral questions.
In the Old Testament, witchcraft is met with capital punishment — but not in the New. Why does God handle this sin differently across redemptive history?

Theology Refresh is a podcast for Christian leaders hosted by David Mathis, executive editor for John Piper and Desiring God. The podcast aims to refresh and sharpen spiritual leaders on key aspects of Christian theology for application to everyday ministry.
March 6 is the first anniversary of Jerry Bridges’s death. He loved the truth that God preserves us, while we participate in his process.

A 31-day journey with the heroes of the Reformation.
Luther stood not on the pronouncements of popes, or the decisions of councils, or the winds of popular opinion, but on “that word above all earthly powers.”