
“Ye must be born again” John 3 vs 7

Those words were uttered by none other but the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Look up once again and read those words, remember He said “must”, meaning there is no alternative, it has to be so. In another scripture the lord said, “except a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” John 3 vs 3. Many of us dream of going to heaven one day, except we experience this new birth said by our Lord, he assures us that we would not even have a glimpse of his kingdom on earth and beyond. If you personally ask me today what is the greatest setback of the modern Christian Church; I will quickly say that there are too many so-called believers and church goers who have not yet experienced true Biblical salvation. Too many preachers going about Gods work in the flesh; many people going around with the old forcing it to live like the new. There is nothing more lamenting than a walking white sepulchre clean without but within are full of dead men bones. Sadly, the sinful; double minded; carnal man whom the work of grace has touched his life loves the Lord, and wants to know Him. He even dare dream of doing exploits for Him and greatly desires to fellowship with Him. Truly he could never have those
desires except they were intentionally put there by the Lord; and he is called and has been elected by His divine grace. But now he makes the grave mistake of self-conversion and works really hard at it. You will find him zealously agonizing for lost souls and always ready to take his cross (the one he has mentally created). But in those secret place where he finds himself alone, his true unregenerate self comes up, that double minded spirit and filthy thoughts rear their ugly heads. It’s like having two different people living inside of him; one a saint who wants to do Gods will, and another the filthiest, rebellious flesh seeking and pleasing sinner. My Christian brothers and sisters doesn’t know why they are like this, “He that is born of flesh is flesh and he that is born of spirit is spirit”. He hasn’t learned that greatest lesson in the Christian faith, that is, What God requires of us He Himself must work in us or it is not done. We come to God by faith in His Son Jesus Christ; after which we must seek Him through prayers and His word for His promise of regeneration in our lives.

“he saved us not because of righteous things we have done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal of the holy spirit” Titus 3 vs 5.

If we forget everything, let us remember His words at the very beginning which says, “ye MUST be born again” – meaning we must die to live again, and God Himself is responsible for this conception. Without this happening to us, we will continue to drag this man about in frustration.

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