Fervent Love – Revival Watch Podcast
The body of Christ today is experiencing division on a scale we have never seen before. It’s painful to witness how some Christians stand in judgment of their fellow believers, particularly in the public space of social media.
The infighting within the church has created a negative view of Christianity, especially as we now see believers resorting to ungodly lawyers and courts to resolve their disputes.
This episode helps us to solve the many problems in the body of Christ today by simply by applying the principle of "Fervent Love".
May God help us all.

The Axe Is Laid Unto The Root – Revival Watch Ministries
A collection of God's Burden for souls to be saved and Spiritual Awakening in our time.

You dont believe in Hell – Revival Watch Podcast
You dont believe in Hell Either! A Clip from the Message “Hell Has No Exit” Preached by Leonard Ravenhill

Jesus Is Raising Up Lovers by Michael Koulianos – SermonIndex.net Classics Podcast
The call in our day is for those who will love Jesus as a coming Bridegroom.

Here He Stood: Martin Luther (1483–1546) – Here We Stand
Luther stood not on the pronouncements of popes, or the decisions of councils, or the winds of popular opinion, but on “that word above all earthly powers.”