Not Her Fault

Not Her Fault
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  • Create Date March 18, 2020
she did nothing wrong

yet she was all wrong

everything about her was wrong

her conception was wrong;

for she was conceived in sin

oh that she had a right birth

but No! her birth was further wrong

for in deep iniquities was she birthed

this sprang a thought in my soul;

that if her foundation be this wrong

what can her own righteousness do?

how can her own effort right this wrong?

I began to wonder in my thoughts

Why all about her was so wrong

Even though she did nothing wrong

Oh she was born of the corruptible seed

She was the image of corrupt Adam

She was a seed of born of unrighteousness

All must really be wrong with her.

Her parentage was of the wrong one

Though not her fault

Who will right this wrong?

Before this fault falters her destiny

To whom will she cry for her

For she was lonely, about dying and giving up

Then I heard a voice saying, come

Come unto me, I right all wrongs,

I turn things around, I make all things knew

Take my yoke upon you and learn of me.

It was all the comfort she needs, but

How did he know she was in need?

And who is he, to help and right her wrongs?

It was the sweet voice of the Just and only right one

Who makes all things right again,

Bright and shinning love that rights all wrong

She said, I am too bad, and worse of all broken,

I am damage beyond repair

He said, just come, I am the potter, let me remold you

She said again, but I stink and

the blood of my birth were not washed away

He said, I shed my blood for you, and it cleanses all stains.

She ponders for a while if all these could be true, then she asked

Just one, what must I do to be helped?

He said to her, come as you her, believe in me and I will help you

This is too easy she said? No sacrifice? No offering? No price to pay?

I should just come, she retorted …

While she looked on lost in deep thought, he waited

Wanting to know what she wants to do

Will she accept His offer or die in ruin?


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