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- Create Date April 1, 2022
- Last Updated April 1, 2022
There Is Still Room
There Is Still Room
“…Yet there is room…” – Luke 14:22
Though more than half the world is streaming into hell and the church seems to be losing control, God has not lost control, He is very much in charge. Though the call to the wedding is to the church and men within her walls yet if she refuses to come, God will bring in men. Do we not see in this very day of danger and spiritual calamity that God is now saying to us as a church, if we will not come in then, many would be called afar off. Is the church not a representation of the spiritual Jew? If we are, are we in any way different from the natural Jew? Having seen His miracles and mercies, do we yet not stagger at His promise due to unbelief, rebellion, pride, stubbornness, Idolatry, and disobedience? Are we not so carried away and married to the world? You say these are modern times, but I say is God not the same as He was, or does He change with times or seasons? I am more afraid of the materialistic Laodicea’s attitude of the church – she thought she is rich yet poor, she thought she could see yet blind, she thought she was clothed yet very much naked. Is He not about to spew us out of His mouth? How long will He put up with our infidelity and adultery? Do you mean He will simply just overlook all these transgressions of ours? Are we not about stretching God's mercies to its limit, though His mercy endures forever? We are about letting His hand loosed on the throttle mercies to pour His judgment. Did Israel not go into captivity for 70years for every desecrated Sabbath, I wonder if we won't go into everlasting perdition for every Lord's Day we pollute. God have mercy! Yet we stay on the altar and weep in hypocrisy when we would not obey His voice, we walk after the inventions and imagination of our own hearts and we ask; where is the God of justice? I am a firm believer in God's mercy but I am of a firmer belief in His justice, do we not willfully sin after we have known the truth? Certainly, there is no more sacrifice for sin but a fearful judgment and indignation with which the Lord will devour His adversaries. We may fold our hands and say we are less concerned but I tell you God is concerned for the lost world if we the elect are not. We live like the Pharisees and scribes who have no plans of entering into God's kingdom yet we block others from coming in? I tell you, He is angry and will bring in a people who knew not God but who will know and truly love Him. No man has the monopoly on God, the natural Jews tried that and they were cast away (for a while). Shouldn’t we gentiles take heed and fear greatly lest we be cut off from The Vine? Yet I speak in parables. Though we have brought reproach to the honor of our so-called darling by eating and drinking with drunkards, there is still room. Room for who?
Room for the church: the greatest need of the church today is repentance; we need not any message echoed in the ears of men from the Pulpit than to call men out of the way of death, for why should they die? Though God's Holy Spirit has been working to bring us into this state, we have shown him the way out and have given excuses. We have quenched God's Holy Spirit because we would rather satisfy our carnal desires than go to heaven. Are we not afraid that He will come, and that if He comes how will he find you and me? The church must repent of her carelessness – careless spending of God's money, nonchalant attitude towards the soul of men and this dying world. Men are dying in our streets without God, so sad, but much sadly men are dying right from the church and skipping into the lower abyss, bruised by the serpent, poisoned with sin, and lost eternally.
I hear God say if the church would not come, go into the highways and lanes and bring in the poor, the maimed, the halt, and the blind. This I believe is the work of the Holy Ghost in bringing the vilest of offenders who truly believe into the pardon and rest of the Lord. Surely the Lord would bypass us if He can't get through to us, if we are satisfied with our nice little life at the expense of the eternity of our Sunday school boys and girls, our teens and youth, we can be sure we have great plans of their eternal damnation. Do you mean God is going to get out of the church to begin to save men so bad in the world, you ask? And I say yes. After all, there is more than 40% of the world population with little or no knowledge of the gospel, men bound with the cord of superstition and Idolatry, and many who are entangled in the Web of bondwoman's son’s Religion. These being about 3.28 Billion people, do they not deserve heaven as you in the church? Are they less fortunate or rather unfortunate to be there? No! These I believe are men who will be saved and judge you who all your life had been in church and lived in sin. When this great harvest has been gathered, I still hear the Holy Spirit say, yet there is room. You say this is a theory, these men are still in their sad condition, I know but what about you? There is still room for you, room to be saved, room to go and save others. There is room at the cross; there is a place for you in cooperating with the Holy Spirit to bring these untold billions into the knowledge of Christ. But first thing first, you must be born again, you must surrender everything at the feet of the cross and allow the Lord to work in you His good and perfect will, why should you wait another day when there is yet another room to enter into that Kingdom. How bad do you think you are? Come right now because there is room – are you a thief, a prostitute, a gambler, a pervert, a homosexual, are you anything that cannot be described? Run to Jesus, let the rock of ages cleft of you, go hide in Christ.
There is still room, come quickly.